Partners + Funders

A great big happy family, all embraced in a hug

Join the RVC Community

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

The RVC community is built by people who are passionate about our mission and passionate about building strong Black families. We can survive on our own, but we need great partnerships and funders to thrive.

To learn more about us and how you can help, please fill out the form below. Thank you & we’re eager to connect with you!

A very proud young Black girl stands in front of a wall, showing off the Halcyon logo & the RVC logo.

Halcyon x RVC

Everyone at RVC is thrilled & honored to have the support of Washington, DC’s prestigious Halcyon Incubator, a leading voice in social entrepreneurship. We were chosen to be one of the nine ventures in the Spring 2022 Halcyon Opportunity Intensive Cohort, where we’ll be receiving support from Halcyon & their vast network of partners, including Capital One, Amazon Web Services, Deloitte, and many more.

Join the Village

If you’d like to receive updates as we get closer to launch, please fill in your information to the right. We’ll reach out to give you all the latest information when the time comes, to ensure you’re the first in line to join our new community!

Thank you very much! Rest assured, we respect your privacy & will not spam you.